How do you retrieve two tables of data at the same time by using data reader

Retrieve two tables of data at the same time by using data reader

Include 2 select statements either in a stored procedure or in a select command and call the ExecuteReader() method on the command object. This will automatically fill the DataReader with 2 Tables of data.

The datareader will always return the data from first table only. If you want to get the second table then you need to use ReaderObject.NextResult() method. The NextResult() method will return true if there is another table. The following code shows you how do it.

//Create the SQL Query with 2 Select statements
string SQLQuery = "Select * from Customers;Select * from Employees;";
//Create the Connection Object
SqlConnection ConnectionObject = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
//Create the Command Object
SqlCommand CommandObject = new SqlCommand(SQLQuery, ConnectionObject);
//Open the connection
//Execute the command. Now reader object will have 2 tables of data.
SqlDataReader ReaderObject = CommandObject.ExecuteReader();
//Loop thru the tables in the DataReader object
while (ReaderObject.NextResult())
while (ReaderObject.Read())
//Do Something
//Close the Reader
//Close the Connection

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