Typescript constructor and inheritance
Before going to understand the constructor chaining we
first, need to know what exactly the typescript constructor is.
typescript constructor is defined with keyword "constructor". The constructor is a special type of function of typescript class and it will be
automatically invoked when the first object of the class is created.
Use of typescript constructor
Is to
initialize a variable of the class
Typescript constructor Channing:
Typescript classes
support single inheritance the same as other languages.But, here we use the
extends keyword to inherit classes in typescript.
Class employee extends manager
derive class
base class
chaining is just a process in which if you have a constructor in your
class(derive class), then you need to call base class constructor by your
constructor. Here constructor calling is different we are using the super
keyword [super(d)].
class manager
return this.duration;
class employee extends manager
empdura :number;
constructor (du:number,d:number)
return this.empdura;
var emp=new employee(101,69);
When to use super keyword
in typescript
1.Whenever we need to call the constructor of the base class in case
of constructor chaining.
2. In most cases, to access the base class functions, the “super” the keyword is specified inside those functions which have the same name as the base
class’s functions have in a derived class.
3. In a derived class, the overridden/hidden functions of a base the class can be accessed/called through a “super” keyword reference because along
with a base class constructor the base class functions can also be
accessed/refer through “super” keyword.
4. If a constructor is defined only in the derived class, the TypeScript
compiler will generate a compile-time error until we use a “super ()” keyword
in it.
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